Mom-to-be Luxurious Mère Carrier


  1. Mere Carrier Bag (1pcs)
  2. Luxe Nursing Bra (1pcs Olive)
  3. Lacfree Wearable Breast Pump (1pcs)
  4. Belly Wrap Plus+ (1pcs Beige)
  5. Overnite Sanitary Panties (1pcs)
  6. Disposable Ladies’ Cotton Panties
  7. Milk Storage Bag(3.5oz) (1pcs)
  8. Disposable Nursing Pads (30pcs)

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推荐新手妈妈入手的奢华 Mom-to-be Luxurious Mère Carrier 待产包, 内含有:
  1. Mere Carrier Bag (1pcs) 精美限量Mere包包
  2. Luxe Nursing Bra (1pcs Olive) 哺乳内衣 (这是我们家的明星产品超级推荐!无钢圈设计超舒服)
  3. Lacfree Wearable Breast Pump (1pcs) (哺乳器适合产后准备上班的妈妈)
  4. Belly Wrap Plus+ (1pcs Beige) 产后束腹带 (想要成为漂亮产后妈妈吗?适用于开刀及自然生的妈妈)
  5. Overnite Sanitary Panties (1pcs) 夜用护理垫 (适用于产后流大量恶露的头两周)
  6. Disposable Ladies’ Cotton Panties 全棉内裤 (这绝对不是那种便宜的纸内裤超级舒服全棉布料)
  7. Milk Storage Bag(3.5oz) (1pcs) 存奶袋 (这是必须的!祈祷每天的奶水过盛!)
  8. Disposable Nursing Pads (30pcs)  防溢乳垫 (适用于产后头6个月过多奶水溢漏

Additional information

Weight 3 kg


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